California Nursing Home Administrator Exam Practice Test Bundle 4 (PT1 thru PT6)


This product contains 6 (50) question practice tests for the California Nursing Home Administrator Exam.

Each test is 50 questions in multiple-choice format. The questions are sourced directly from the regulations chosen by your NHA Board as study material. Each question follows up with a detailed answer and a citation back to the original code to assist you in your learning.

All products from AITExam are downloaded and not shipped.

**This product contains multiple tests that are ZIPPED together and must be extracted. If you need help opening a zipped file, please email, and we will send you the extracted files.

Thank you for entrusting us with your exam readiness.

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This product contains 6 (50) question practice tests for the California Nursing Home Administrator Exam.

Each test is 50 questions in multiple-choice format. The questions are sourced directly from the regulations chosen by your NHA Board as study material. Each question follows up with a detailed answer and a citation back to the original code to assist you in your learning.

All products from AITExam are downloaded and not shipped.

**This product contains multiple tests that are ZIPPED together and must be extracted. If you need help opening a zipped file, please email, and we will send you the extracted files.

Thank you for entrusting us with your exam readiness.

This product contains 6 (50) question practice tests for the California Nursing Home Administrator Exam.

Each test is 50 questions in multiple-choice format. The questions are sourced directly from the regulations chosen by your NHA Board as study material. Each question follows up with a detailed answer and a citation back to the original code to assist you in your learning.

All products from AITExam are downloaded and not shipped.

**This product contains multiple tests that are ZIPPED together and must be extracted. If you need help opening a zipped file, please email, and we will send you the extracted files.

Thank you for entrusting us with your exam readiness.

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California Title 22, Division 5

Code of Federal Regulations Title 42


Additionally, it is the responsibility of the potential administrator to be knowledgeable of 42 CFR, Part 483, which identify the requirements for state long term care facilities (SNFs).


The State Examination consists of 100 multiple choice questions. The content of the examination includes the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (OBRA) guidelines, California Code of Regulations, Title 22, Division 5; as well as, the following title or code cites:

• Chapter 2.5, Chapter 3, Article 3 …………30 questions

• Chapter 3, Article 5 ……………………….. 20 questions

• Chapter 3, Article 6, Chapter 4 …………...18 questions

• Chapter 4, Articles 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6……… 17 questions

Please Note: NHAP does not have copies of Title 22 nor the OBRA Regulations.