What we do and who we are…

We make practice tests to help you pass your exams.

We don’t make the actual exam, and we do not do brain dumps of actual tests. Brain dumps are when someone takes an exam and memorizes actual questions from the exam, only to later dump that information and research it. We take the information that you will be tested on, the material that you should be studying, and we create our own tests from this material. We test your knowledge on the given data. Over the years of making tests and taking tests, we derive from the material the most obvious testable information and create our own practice exams.

Licensed Nursing Home Administrator, MBA

Geri Morris LNHA, MBA

Geri wears many hats here at AITExam, and we are thankful for that; she has already taken a lead role in many areas here at AITExam and we are excited to see the direction she will take us.

Geri has over 16 years of experience as a Licensed Nursing Home Administrator here in California, as well as having an MBA in Healthcare Management and being a currently certified Preceptor for new AITs. Always staying current with the industry of Long Term Care, she is also a licensed RCFE administrator and certified grant writer through Fresno State University.

Her “lead by example” and hands-on approach toward projects and problems, make her ideal for helping you succeed with your licensing endeavors.